Tag Archive | cake

Opéra gâteaux, pocket guide to the 7 layers of joy.

This is a quick reference of an Opéra gâteaux.  I must say that our formula is in a frenetic/obsessive evolution because of the constant changes that we like to make in order to improve (always improve) the final pleasure of eating it.

When baking an Opéra gateaux first you should think what you want to achieve because using different kinds of chocolate and coffee beans will alter the final result.

You want it very strong and bitter almost with tobacco notes?, go to your coffee supplier and choose the most toasted and fresh coffee beans and/or use chocolate with more than 66% of cocoa butter and pay special attention to the coffee soaker.

You need a more gentle cake?, take advantage of the italian buttercream layers -make it very milky-, chose another kind of coffee beans and a less bitter chocolate. Use vanilla extract, this way you get a sweeter taste without adding sugar.

Don’t forget about the biscuit, this is the central column for the flavor balance because here you can choose to make it plain with almonds (biscuit joconde) or chocolate sponge and it will hold the coffee soaker.

Remember it’s not about adding more or less sugar, its about making the principal ingredients be as alive as you can.
